The Study of the Status of Wife's Alimony for Realize Social Justice


1 Member of the Scientific Board of the Women and Family Research Center, Qom, Iran.

2 M.A. in Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Faculty of Divinity, Political Science and Law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.


The alimony in the law of Iran from the teachings of the Islamic religion is the right and duty which is an important part of family relations and is subject to certain conditions regarding different proportions in the family. The institution is about couples' relationships, a serious financial support from women in the family, in the pursuit of maternity and matrimonial duties, and ultimately, the realization of social justice and it is based on the importance of strengthening the family institution in the view of Islam. Because it brings genuine justice to the law of justice. Due to the importance of this and its issues in the context of legal vacuum and research vacuum in relation to the lack of support for women and social justice, in this paper, through the study of documents and referring to Iranian laws, the comprehensive consideration of the right of marriage to alimony and the design of the vacuum available in this area. In this regard, the definition, characteristics, guarantee of implementation and the factors of the loss of alimony of the wife are mentioned in Iranian civil law and there are some gaps in this regard. Finally, the wife's alienation status is mentioned in the realization of social justice in Islamic society. The results are: 1) the non-enactment of the law to types of the woman's duties in the family, the legitimate obstacles which a woman can refrain from claiming under the covenant, the nature of the wife's right to the property she gives the husband as alimony and Procedures for Proving alimony in Courts Some of the cases are related to alimony laws in Iran. 2- Since the issue of work and income distribution is one of the most important aspects of social justice and the gender effect of natural causes is influential on the amount and manner in which income is earned in society, the “alimony” institution is one of the most important effective and affected by social justice. 3- It is necessary to amend and update the law on “alimony” in line with changes in the lifestyle and position of women in the family and the realization of two-way gender justice.


فهرست منابع

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