Deliberations about Innovations of Dispute Resolution Council Law Approved in 1394


1 M.A. in Private Law, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Golestan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Private Law, Theology Department, Faculty Member of Gonbad Kavous University, Golestan, Iran.


Approval of dispute resolution council law at 1394 brings on various innovations in regard to authority and with respect to structure and judgment. In regard to authority the innovation can be counted in the case of granting the authority of issuing the writ for evidence gathering exclusively to the judge of council, computing the criminal offenses to the eighth grade pecuniary penalty, determining the limit of two hundreds million Rials in the movable financial actions and disqualification of council in considering the immovable properties actions, including family disputes about dowry, marriage portion among the financial actions, rent adjustment on the condition that there isn’t any dispute in the principle of rent relationship, restricting the authority settled in the village council in considering the peace and compromise claims. Also, in regard to judgment some innovations can be noted in the case of cost of judgment, determining the value of relief sought on the basis of real rate, the number of members in dispute resolution council, special judge of dispute resolution council and settlement of enforcement of judgments unit in the council too. In spite of frequent innovations, this law has also some inadequacies in the case of not-good understanding of legislator in resolving the dispute among the council complexes in judicial district, prolongation of hearing and judgment to determine a three months deadline of gaining compromise, lack of suitable policy for primary or introductory actions in line of preparing the file or records before issuing the command existence too.


فهرست منابع

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