A Comparative Study of the Electoral Justice Mechanism in England and the International Principles Governing Electoral Justice

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor in Public Law, Faculty Member of Law Department, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran.


In international law and practice, some standards and criteria have been stipulated that their observance will lead an election to a free and fair election in which people will have a genuine share in their active participation, including the most important of these criteria, the monitoring of election results and resolution of electoral disputes. Claims, whether in the early stages of the election, that is, the stage of registration and review of qualifications, whether at the stage of holding it, namely, advertising and voting, or in the post-election stage, namely the announcement of the results, must be in the context of fairness and rationality and in accordance with the rules and International standards to be resolved.
In England, electoral proceedings are conducted by a special tribunal consisting of two judges of the Supreme Court without a jury. This court can disqualify the candidate, review the ballot, announce the results of the election or demand a new election. Unfortunately, the process of electoral litigation is sometimes too difficult and, in general, evidence suggests that the process of litigation in the UK is obsolete, complicated, inaccessible and inefficient. In this study, we are going to examine the formalities of the UK electoral system and its degree of compliance with the relevant international standards.


فهرست منابع

الف) منابع فارسی
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