methods of changing or correcting the date of birth

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student in Private Law, University of kharazmi

2 Private law and Economic Law, Allameh Tabatabai University



The issue of changing or correcting the date of birth, despite its importance and many plans, has not been given enough attention, investigation and explanation in the administrative and judicial courts. Three authorities have the authority to decide or issue a verdict in this matter, and depending on the case, the action to achieve the said request is limited to five methods. The first method is to act through the commission to determine the age of the subject of the single article
The law to preserve the validity of registered documents and... Another method is to request the dispute resolution board of the Civil Registry Office and the third method, which is actually the continuation of the process of obtaining the right through the previous method, is to protest the decision of this authority before the court and request its violation and accept the request from the court. The fourth way is to file a lawsuit to change or correct the date of birth before the court and the last method is to file a lawsuit to cancel the current registration document and issue a new registration document with the actual date of birth before the latter authority. In all cases, according to its type and the competen.
