Product and necessity observance of environmental regulations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of Private Law, College of Farabi University of Tehran

2 professor of law Thran univer sity



Mass and diverse production is the most obvious face of today's world. Despite Production has important role in development, it causes major climate changes and environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is one of the most important crises in today's society, an issue that threatens the fate of mankind and harms the human right to a healthy environment, which is a fundamental right. Pollution caused by production is mostly due to lack of standards, poor quality of products and lack of control. Pollution caused by production can never be reduced to zero; but with basic action, pollution can be minimized. The basic solutions are that in the field of production, one should pay attention to the goals of deterrence, apply strict production standards and update the standards. Products should be made from renewable materials based on environ mental standards and in line with sustainable development. The "factor of pollution" of the environment, due to creating the source of pollution and violating the rights of others, has civil liability and must compensate for the resulting losses; because the right to access healthy environment is one of the fundamental human rights, and polluting production damages this right. In Iran's legal system, about the civil liability, the "fault theory" is the criterion. This theory is not effective for environmental pollution. Also According to this theory, Demand for environmental damage is difficult. For this reason «strict liability» and Conventional citation can be effective to reduce the environmental pollution of product.
