The Concept of Representation in the First Assembly (Mashruteh)



Initially, the concept of “Representative” emerged in the first Assembly. Prior to the Constitutionalism era, the concept was considered as a precarious notion which constitutionalists argued on the notion just behind closed doors. In the post Constitutionalism era, when the right and role of Iranian citizens in law-making and monitoring of public affairs were recognized, with no alternative, the new system was compelled to furnish the way for realization of the right and role of the citizens. Representative was a concept that realized the new status of Iranian citizens. It was decided to elect representatives of each group in every province due to inconvenience of summon up all the citizens. Although elected by class and trade group election, the representatives decline to assume their selves as the representatives of their relevant city or trade group. In the beginning, they presumed their selves as the “delegate of 15 million people” and “representative of the entire nation”. Despite the fact that the concept of “Representative” in Constitutionalism era was introduced through the notion of “Representation” in the context of Islamic religious law, but the resemblance was merely a literal intersection, though each of them contained non-identical content and subject. Considering the discussions of representatives of the first Assembly, the process of “Representative” notion emergence and its progressive separation with the concept of “Representation” in private law will be examined in the present paper.


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