Illegality of Holding more than One Public Job in Iran: With a Glance at the French Legal System



Article 141 of the Constitution of IRI bans holding more than one public job. The way article 141 is formulated may bring to the mind this possibility that it is only included executive employees.  Nevertheless, a careful examination of the article and the interpretative comment of the Guardian council confirm otherwise. All public jobs holders, therefore, are subject to the general ban of the article.
The only constitutional exception is in the academic positions in the universities and research institutions. In regard to jobs n private sectors, article 141 permits their holding beside the public job. Nevertheless, the legislator banned public jobs holders from managing some private jobs like justice advocacy or legal consultation. The law of prohibition of holding more than one job and some other laws and public regulations like country’s Islamic councils law have also mentioned the new orders for explaining and completing of inclusion of the principle 141 of the Constitution.
